Puzzles and Puzzlements of Life

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Tapping Foot.....

(Tap tap TAP......!!!)
I've been waiting PINTO.......
And yes this IS MY blog.
AAAnnnd this is probably a week a way from when I told you.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Another day...

Another day has past...
A rather eventful yet... Uneventful day.

To much explaining to do.

IO (yawn)
Past "bedtime."

Later pplzzzzz......


And yes the A-Team rocks!!! (Boo Yay... exc...)

Silver Tiger

Monday, July 17, 2006


Done with the FIRST day of school. :)
I am happy about school too. :)

Did a lot of extra work and drew my best drawing yet. =) Yay!
I don't have all my subjects in yet, but that just means I can get ahead. =)

Well... G2G... Eat... Food... Do A JOB... Taking care of neighbor's cat... Doing and enjoying more school.... Ahhhh...

Later ppls....

Silver Tiger...

Sunday, July 16, 2006



Finally done with my room, looks nice actually. No pictures yet but maybe later.
Am "frazzed". Ahhh.. Oh well.
I haven't been on puzzle pirates today except for once to see who was on. But only Jmagg, a pirate from my crew the "Elven Armada."
Well dinner tonight is homemade fajites :D. My surprise reward for my overhauling of my room.
Aahhh.. Life is good!

Well I was thinking just now, and thought....
In a way that overhaul was a puzzle of one of the hardest types. I mean my mom hasn't finish her closet yet, and we start at the same time. Buy she is a mom and so on.. She was even sick last night.. Bad leftovers... :( But still her closet is O.o ... NVM (never mind) Really. Probably going to get in trouble for that. Oh well...
Well the good thing is that is over with.

Later... Got to unwind... And no I didn't draw this... (I wish) Hummp. :(

Siver Tiger

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Did you ever think life is full of puzzles.
Life is a puzzle.
Everything we do is a puzzle.
Think of it from God's point of view in a way.

Think for a moment.
Think without thinking for a moment.
Just think on one thing.

Our brain thinks all the time.
So give it a break for a moment.
Even give it some exercise by doing a few brain puzzles.

But my point is...
Life is a puzzle full of puzzles and your brain is figuring out all these puzzles at once.
That is life.
So give it a break. Then relax and exercise it.


Silver Tiger


Humm... This is my first post. And I am a bit dumb founded that I don't know what to say. I usually have to much to say. Well I guess is it because this is on the internet.... FOR EVERYONE TO SEE!!!!! AHH.... Oh well. To be careful is to be cautious and so on.

But think.... Why do we need to be cautious. Oh well.

Well to today I have to clean my room forever to get ready for homeschooling next week. Whew! Then if I get a chance I'll get on puzzle pirates and pillage for a bit or something. My friend and captain is going to a camp for a week and I'm stuck with start school. =( Oh well... Again.

One of the good things about homeschooling is that you can go on vacation any time you want. :) Ahh the life. Not... Really... I have to do a lot of work this year. Ahhh. Breath and don't think about. OK back. I think I'll listen to some music. And yes that's just about the ONLY music I listen to....

G2G (got to go) load the dishwasher... :-( Oh well again...

LOL (laughing out loud)

Later ppls (peoples)... :)

Silver Tiger

Puzzle Pirates
Puzzle Pirates