Puzzles and Puzzlements of Life

Saturday, October 28, 2006

A First...

Today I had my first driving lesson in a standard. :)

Pics later...

I did pretty well...

A good present for my B-Day!

Silver Tiger

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I've been noticing... There aren't many new car designs out.
I mean it's always another SUV or another "car".

They all basically look a like.
And it seems as though all the car companies are competing against each other.
And they are competing with the same car design!

Meanwhile... America is still addicted to oil, and this oil is funding terrorism! -.- ~: (
And may I add that there are soooo many new car designs out there.
New and Fresh. Not the words usually going with the car business.

And another thing... The electric car idea isn't flying to me because...
Then the oil industry has nothing to "truck".

But they can truck hydrogen or that new fuel source was that start with a H.


And that's what they are pushing in my opion.


Alright done.
(Sorry haven't blogged in a while.)

Silver Tiger

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